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Short additional information about Academic department of Automotive transport (ADAT) the Institute of Automotive Transport and Technological Systems (IATTS).
An Introduction to ADAT
Academic Department of Automotive Transport (ADAT) was founded in 1936. The first name of ADAT was Department of Cars and tractors. In the initial period ADAT consolidated training courses in the area of facility and exploitation of industry, railway transport (such as tractors, diesel locomotive) and road traffic transport (cars). One of the oldest type of transport study in ADAT was drivers’ training on the all driver’ categories.
In 1993 developmental process in Russian education make it possible to increase training system of ADAT for the multi-level education center of transport study in Russia include levels: Undergraduate, Masters, PhD (Russian science degrees) and Programs of Professional Development.
Programs and training profiles.
Undergraduate level.
Academic Department of (Auto-)Car Transport offers two Bachelors programs:
Cars and cars transportation sector.
Technical expertise on car transport. 2. Technology of transport process (Program Code 190700.62) involve range of profiles:
- Road haulage organization and management.
- Organization and safety road.
- Transport logistics.
Masters level involve two Masters programs:
1. Exploitation of transport and technological machinery and complex (Program Code 190600.68) with profile:
- Exploitation and technical expertise on car transport. 2. Technology of transport process (Program Code 190700.68) with two profiles:
- Exploitation of transport systems and complex.
- Transport logistics.
PhD level (Russian science degrees).
Transport-related postgraduate research training in ADAT is the part of whole science research and innovating system of University. Science research profiles offered by ADAT are:
- Transport and transport-technological systems of country, regions, cities, transport industry organization ( Speciality Code 05.22.01) – Science Degree is Candidate or Doctor of technical science.
- Exploitation of car transport (Speciality Code 05.22.10) – Science Degree is Candidate or Doctor of technical science.
- Theory and methods of professional education (Speciality Code 13.00.08) – Science Degree is Candidate or Doctor of didactics science.
Level Programs of increasing of Professional Qalification (IPQ).
For many years ADAT offering for transport organizations, municipality, wide circles of transport professionals the range of short-term courses in the following areas:
- Safety road traffic planning and organization.
- Security in transport.
- Insurance in transport sector.
Level of Driver training.
ADAT has driver school, has been realizing Programs of Driver Training for driver license category B, and driver license for transport with special signals (ambulance, police, fire engine).
Every year in ADAT multi-level education system there are around 150 students taking undergraduate programs,50 students on Masters programs, up to 20 PhD programs students, and more than 110 audience of short-term courses.
ADAT has high qualification research staff, consolidated 4 professors (Doctors of Science), 13 Candidate of science, 6 lecturers and assistant.
The main research themes in ADAT are:
1. Mathematics models in assessment of parameters of emergency car braking.
Resent research output.
- Karev B. N Certain speed the car during emergency braking: www.science-education.ru/105-6982
- Sidorov B. A., Karev B. N. Impact assessment of accuracy the parameter value emergency vehicle braking on findings of expert autotechnique: www.science-education.ru/105-6983 2. Facility of assessment of road traffic safety.
Resent research output.
- Mihaleva L. V., Alekseeva О. V., Gasilova O.S.. Sidorov В.А. Evaluation of traffic safety cars within VADS: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otsenka-bezopasnosti-dvizheniya-avtomobiley-v-ramkah-sistemy-vads#ixzz2mt58q855
- Mihaleva L. V., Alekseeva О. V., Gasilova O.S.. Sidorov В.А. Results determination of the minimum safety distance, passenger cars, moving in the same direction: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/rezultaty-opredeleniya-minimalno-bezopasnogo-rasstoyaniya-mezhdu-legkovymi-avtomobilyami-dvizhuschimisya-v-poputnom-napravlenii#ixzz2mt61ZX5K
- Gasilova O. S. , Sidorov B. A., Chernyshev O. N. Impact on road safety configuration crossroads: www.science-education.ru/105-6980
- Alekseeva O. V. , Sidorov B. A., Chernyshev O. N. Urban passenger traffic safety transport in Yekaterinburg: www.science-education.ru/105-6981 3. Planning and assessment car machinery resource for forestry sector.
Resent research output.
- Astafyeva O. M. , Braslovez P. А., Budalin S. V., Nekrasov D. N., Sidorov B. А. Methods of evaluation of techno-economic efficiency of trucks: www.science-education.ru/108-8599 4. Methodology of professional driver study in Russia.
Resent research output.
- Verbitskaia N.O. Necessarily of national system of professional driver training: http://m-profobr.com/page-15.html 5. Negative environmental factors of transport noise pollution in different transport systems.
Resent research output.
- Usanina L. V., Verbitskya N. O. Assessment of noise pollution by road street and road network in Yekaterinburg : http://www.science-education.ru/109-9468